札幌市のダウンタウンに位置するHOTEL POTMUM STAY&COFFEEを数年間に渡ってカメラマンとして撮影させていただいています。
I have been photographing HOTEL POTMUM STAY & COFFEE located in downtown Sapporo for several years as a photographer.
I have been a fan since 2018 when we first met. And as a “recorder”. I'm always rooting for you through the viewfinder.
ホテルとカフェが併設する複合施設であるHOTEL POTMUM様。
HOTEL POTMUM is a complex facility with a hotel and cafe.
By changing the equipment according to the subject, we are constantly searching for the best solution to convey the local atmosphere through the photos.
I hold my camera with pride and responsibility to capture the charming reality of northern Japan, which changes its appearance with the four seasons, and deliver it to the whole country.
MORIHICO., which has a store on the 1st floor, is a coffee company so famous that many people in Hokkaido don't know its name.
Early 20s.
When I was still a student, I used to use the main store in Maruyama as a customer. His unique worldview resonated with me ever since, and I never imagined that a few years later I would be working with him. When shooting, I place the utmost importance on not destroying MORIHICO.'s sense of the world, while still showing my own colors.
I don't mean to overdo it, but if you can feel that the finish is close, then it must be resonating with you on a deeper level.
To put it more simply, I love MORIHICO.
HOTEL POTMUM様の撮影の際「全てを写しきらない」ことを意識しています。私が案内できるのはあくまで入口まで。それは現地で見て、聞いて、感じてほしいことだから。
When photographing OTEL POTMUM, we place emphasis on not capturing everything.
That's what I want people to see, hear, and feel when they're there.
"Maybe I'd like to go here." I keep looking through the viewfinder so that you can understand that. Until now. from now on.