コワーキングスペース“POT WORK”(※現在は一部業態変更)を撮影させていただきました。
3室の会議室と10以上の個別ブースからなるPOT WORKはMORIHICO.STAY&COFFEEの2Fに2022年新たに誕生。早くも穴場として多くの方に利用されています。
I took a picture of the coworking space “POT WORK” .
POT WORK, which consists of 3 meeting rooms and more than 10 individual booths, will be newly opened in 2022 on the 2nd floor of MORIHICO.STAY&COFFEE.
It has already been used by many people as a little-known spot.
Because I received an order for HP creation at the same time as shooting
① Impressive cut for HP
②Easy-to-understand cuts that are user-conscious
I consciously took two types of.
In the former, we prioritized atmosphere and focused on eye-catching visual impact.
On the other hand, in the latter, the brightness was adjusted many times to convey a comfortable feeling of use.
In cutting for HP, I focused on ``cutting out a part and stirring the imagination'' rather than ``showing the whole in an easy-to-understand manner''.
If you can feel the expansion of the entire space from somewhere in the photo, or if you associate it with the feeling of sitting in a chair, then you can say that my intention was successfully conveyed.