We created the official website for Sapporo-based artist Segawa Yoko. The theme and most important item of this project was "archiving artwork". Not only did we want to make her works appealing, but Segawa is also a very active artist, releasing multiple works in a single year and keeping her busy with exhibitions throughout the year.
In addition to how to organize her past works, we also needed to consider how to present her future works and activities.
We had many discussions about how to design the website, including ease of management and updates.
抽象度の高いテーマだからこそ、コミュニケーションは綿密に実施いたしました。 対面でのMTGはもちろん、チャットをを活用し、デザインのイメージをすり合わせました。 時には1冊の本や1枚の画像をシェアしたりしながら。
In web production, we don't start designing right away, we draw something like a blueprint and verify the rough layout.
Because the theme is highly abstract, we carried out detailed communication. In addition to face-to-face MTG, we also used chat to coordinate the design image. Sometimes I share a book or an image.
During the production process, we had many discussions based on the official websites of various artists. Among them were artists who had already passed away.
The words of a client left a deep impression on me: ``Being able to leave your work to future generations as proof of your life even after you've passed away'' is something that left a deep impression on me. This web production provided an opportunity for me as a web creator to reconsider the role of the web. There are many works on this site that have been discarded due to deterioration and are no longer available for viewing. We hope that you will enjoy ``The Web as Living Proof'' to your heart's content.